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When and Where
  • 7/9/2024 3:00 PM EDT
  • 7/9/2024 4:00 PM EDT
  • Big Marker Virtual Platform
  • Virtual
  • VA

Full Webinar Title: From A DCAA Perspective Series: Audits Under The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs.

*Please Note: Registrants will receive an email with the Big Marker link to join the Webinar approximately One (1) hour before the start time.*

Each year, the federal government awards over 5,000 contracts totaling well over $3.2 billion for SBIR/STTR programs. Join DCAA and learn more about these programs and how your company may benefit from these types of contract awards. We will define DCAA’s role, outline DCAA audits applicable to these programs, communicate ways small businesses can prepare for audits, and discuss resources available for small businesses. *Part 2 of 3.*

View more information on the SAME Small Business COI HERE.