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When and Where
  • 4/18/2024 2:00 PM EDT
  • 4/18/2024 3:00 PM EDT
  • Big Marker Virtual Platform
  • Virtual
  • VA

*Please note: Registrants will receive an email with the link to join the Webinar approximately One (1) hour before the start time.*

Join us for a compelling webinar to learn more about the impacts of sea level rise and hear about two San Francisco Bay Area efforts incorporating science and collaboration to adapt to coastal hazards. First up is a presentation by the lead author of the Coastal Effects Chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment. The severity and risks of coastal hazards across the Nation are increasing, driven by accelerating sea level rise and changing storm patterns, resulting in increased flooding, erosion, and rising groundwater tables. Over the next 30 years, coastal sea levels along the contiguous US coasts are expected to rise about 11 inches. Next, the San Francisco Estuary Institute will describe the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program, a collaborative effort striving to improve wetland restoration success through regional-scale monitoring increasing the impact, utility and application of permit-driven monitoring to inform science-based decision-making. Our third speaker will share the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District’s progress in advancing its Community Treatment Wetland and Climate Resiliency Project, a nature-based solution integrating a freshwater treatment wetland and horizontal levee within an approximately 100-acre area. The multi-benefit project will provide a phased pathway for flood protection, sea level rise adaptation, improved nutrient treatment, and public access.

View more information on the SAME Resilience COI webpage HERE.